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The Modern Warrior

Near the eastern coast of South Africa, in a small village, Sipho lived with his family.  It was a well-known training ground for the famous African warriors.  The village stood near the mountain valleys, having enough food and water for many generations.  The old traditions were slowly fading and the villagers went to nearby cities and towns to seek for another life.  Some stayed over and others returned, spending their old age in the tranquil village.  The visiting city dwellers not only brought in the wanted modern amenities, but also brought in a dreaded disease.  Suddenly the disease affected most of the families.  In a short time many died.  Sipho was a victim of such a catastrophe.  In a bout he lost his father, mother and his younger brother.  When the last grave was filled, Sipho was an orphan.  It was that time in the history of the village, when this deadly disease was the only talk.  Many went to nearby towns and cities looking for a cure.  Death was at the doorsteps of every family. 


An evil spell was talked about, as nothing was working to save the lives of the villagers.  With strong suggestions from the village elders, Sipho’s uncle was called to perform the goat sacrifice.  “This is the land of the rituals,” said a villager.  With this statement the young mind of the boy was filled with deep spiritual thoughts.  The few family members who were left were in the midst of the sacrifice when Sipho was interrupted and taken on a wild trip in the ancestral world.  A mystical message started to enter the mind of Sipho and an interesting communication began.

 It was said to him, “Here the spirit of the ancestors lives forever.  You are the last of the Zulu Warriors.  Your traditional weapon is no more the spear and the shield. You are living in a new freedom.  The new weapon of the modern warrior is knowledge.  A Zulu always keeps his weapons sharp.  To sharpen your knowledge, read, write and comprehend.  Study the new knowledge and achieve the best.  Then go into the battlefield and fight this dreaded disease. Remember my son; a Zulu Warrior never accepts defeat.”


As night fell, the spirit of the ancestors slowly faded away from Sipho’s mind.  The next morning, paying his last respects at the graves of his parents, Sipho left with his uncle.  Seeing the dust rising from the speeding bus, Sipho’s restlessness was leaving behind the cruel deaths of his family.  Now that he heard the villagers talking of the towns and cities he could not imagine, starting a new life.  It was not long before the city life got hold of him where his uncle lived.  His uncle was a schoolteacher in a primary school.  Dedicated was he to his students.  Sipho realized that his uncle also had the message of the ancestral Zulu Warrior. During those years he was encouraged with his uncle’s part-time studies, to rise higher to achieve more knowledge.


Years started to roll by quickly for Sipho.  The cause of death of his parents still haunted him.  The same dreaded disease was now talked about more freely.  In high school he started taking subjects that would help him in tertiary education.  Sipho learned with interest to be a medical researcher.  In preparing for his final years at school he knew that he had a good background of good fundamental education.  Further he had the blessing of the spirits of his ancestors.  His preparation had started sharpening his new or modern weapon “knowledge.”


Sipho realized traditions change with changing times.  In the ancient times a Zulu Warrior was always ready for the battle.  He worked hard to keep the weapons sharp, and learnt new strategies for the battlefields.  At the call of the drums the warrior was at the battlefield, always inspired to win.


The new warrior Sipho was also preparing for the battles ahead.  The war drums of the many deaths caused by the dreaded disease had already begun to sound.  Sipho needs to act quickly, to find a cure for this disease. 

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